Effective Date: January 1, 2020

In this section, we've provided some legally required disclosures under state privacy laws. There shouldn't be anything surprising in this section, and we've tried to explain our privacy practices in plain English throughout the rest of the policy.

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act or CCPA, California residents have certain rights regarding their data, including:

The right to know the categories of personal information we've collected and the categories of sources from which we got the information (see Information collected by We and the chart just below)
The right to know the business purposes for sharing personal information (see Why We uses your information)
The right to know the categories of third parties with whom we've shared personal information (see Sharing your information)
The right to access the specific pieces of personal information we've collected and the right to delete your information (see Privacy tools and choices)

Categories of Personal Information under the California Consumer Privacy Act
Category and Sources of Information How we use it Types of individuals affected How we share it

We collect this information from our users, customers, and business partners. We also generate identifiers internally.

To enable use of our sites, services, and products, to communicate with you, to understand how our users interact with our sites, and to improve our offerings People who use our sites or mobile applications; create a user account; receive a We Offer; send us an inquiry about buying a product, or service from us; purchase advertising from us;

obtain a service from us

We share this data with our service providers and with business partners, including those to whom you instruct us to send this information
Personal information under California Civil Code section 1798.80

We collect this information from our users, customers, and business partners
To enable use of our sites, services, and products, to communicate with you, to understand how our users interact with our sites, and to improve our offerings People who create a user account; receive a We Offer; send us an inquiry about buying a product, or service from us; purchase advertising from us; obtain a service from us; We share this data with our service providers and with business partners, including those to whom you instruct us to send this information
Protected classifications

We collect this information from our users and business partners

To understand how our users interact with our sites; People who buy or sell from/to us; enter into a business partnership with us; We don't share
Commercial information

We collect this information from our customers, and generate it internally during transactions with our customers

To transact with you if you use our services or products; People who sell us; or buy a, product or service from us; purchase advertising from us We share this data with our service providers and with business partners, including those to whom you instruct us to send this information
Biometric information We don't collect this data None None
Electronic network activity information

We collect this information from our users and customers

To enable use of our sites, services, and products, to communicate with you, to understand how our users interact with our sites, and to improve our offerings People who use our sites or mobile applications We share this data with our service providers and with business partners, including those to whom you instruct us to send this information
Geolocation data

We collect this information from our users and customers

To enable use of our sites, services, and products, to understand how our users interact with our sites, and to improve our offerings People who use our sites or mobile applications and allow us to collect their location data We share this data with our service providers
Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information

We collect this information from our users and customers

To identify you, to enable use of our sites, services, and products, and for safety purposes People who call us; We share this data with our service providers
Professional or employment-related information

We collect this information from our customers and business partners

To provide services or products you've requested People who contact us in a business-to-business context; obtain a mortgage loan from us; buy a home from us We share this data with our service providers and with business partners, including those to whom you instruct us to send this information
Education information

We collect this information from our customers

To provide services or products you've requested People who use our services; We share this data with our service providers and with business partners, including those to whom you instruct us to send this information

We generate these internally

To understand how our users, interact with our sites, to develop and offer more relevant and useful services and products, and to improve the products and services we offer People who use our sites or mobile applications, including users who: receive a We Offer We don't share

While California law applies only to California residents, we believe everyone should have the same privacy rights regardless of where you live. So our privacy tools are available to all of our users. You can access these tools through the We Privacy Center.

The California Shine the Light Law

Additionally, under the California Shine the Light Law, California residents who provide personal information in obtaining products or services for personal, family, or household use are entitled to either: (1) a list detailing the categories of information shared and the entities to which such information was provided; or (2) to be notified of a mechanism by which a consumer may opt-out of having their information shared with third parties. We have elected the second option. To opt-out of having your information shared with third parties you can discontinue the communications by sending an email to privacy@getyourhealthnow.org with the phrase opt out (or similar language) in the subject heading. Or mail to We.

Contacting We

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, or the privacy practices of We, please check out the Privacy Support Center for FAQs and other information.

Changes to this policy
We are always reviewing our privacy practices to make sure they comply with this policy. Sometimes, we'll need to update the policy to reflect changes in our products, technology, and uses of data. We won't change the policy in a way that reduces your rights or significantly changes the way we use or share data without telling you ahead of time and giving you a chance to stop using our services if you want.